Induced character

In mathematics, an induced character is a character of the induced representation V of a finite group G by W. There is also a notion of induction \operatorname{Ind}(f) of a class function f on H given by the formula

\operatorname{Ind}(f)(s) = \frac{1}{|H|} \sum_{t \in G,\  t^{-1} st \in H} f(t^{-1} st).

However, if f is a character of the representation W of H, then \operatorname{Ind}(f) is a character of the induced representation V.[1]

The basic result is Brauer's theorem on induced characters. It states that a character on G is a linear combination with integer coefficients of characters induced from elementary subgroups.


  1. ^ Serre, 7.2. Proposition 20.